
  1. Principles of the indieWeb community

    The IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the "corporate web.

  2. Accessible anchor links for your headings

    Some posts have a table of contents that link to section headings. These anchor links are nice, but are yours accessible?

  3. Typography tips for the web

    To build something without planning first is a common way to get lost in a project. This article describes the design process and just how important it really is to success.

  4. Color Palette Generator

    To build something without planning first is a common way to get lost in a project. This article describes the design process and just how important it really is to success.

  5. Quick and simple image placeholder

    To build something without planning first is a common way to get lost in a project. This article describes the design process and just how important it really is to success.

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