This site is under development. The content is just temporary placeholder content. The projects are not mine, just filler for development purposes.

    A screen shot of the Gibbs Digital Pattern Library Project.

    My Pattern Library

    An organized library of UI components and the documentation for how to use them.

    A screen shot of the Gibbs Digital Book Store Project.

    Book Store

    An E-Commerce Book Selling App. This app includes a shopping cart, user accounts, authentication, and stripe payment integration

    A screen shot of the Simon Memory Game Project.

    Simon Classic Memory Game

    Repeat a series of random tile clicks. The sequence becomes progressively longer and more complex after each round.

  1. A Complete Guide to Wireframe Design

    Wireframing is an important part of the planning process. Here is a guide to help.

  2. Design Thinking & Understanding the Product Design Process

    To build something without planning first is a common way to get lost in a project. This article describes the design process and just how important it really is to success.

  3. Accessible anchor links for your headings

    Some posts have a table of contents that link to section headings. These anchor links are nice, but are yours accessible?

Connect with me

If you have any questions about my services, or just want to say hello, feel free to contact me. Below are links to my social media accounts and contact form: